Moving In

On 26-jul-01, we moved out of the corporate condo.  We pulled all the seats of the Odyssey and muled 2 loads to our temporary storage spot at Patsi and Kevin's house... then headed for the cape!
On 1-aug-01, we got the keys to our new house!. At 9AM, the big orange Allied moving van showed up- George was there to direct traffic.
George's family came up from Rhode Island to help and they were terrific! This included-
  • his parents (left)
  • his sister Sharon
  • his nieces Kimmy (shown right w/Jordan) and Caley

    (To avoid being totally underfoot, MJ and the kids stayed down on the Cape until late that day)

AROUND 2 that afternoon, the movers were done-
they had unloaded over 170 boxes and 200 other items into the house.
MJ and the kids drove up from the Cape.
Carol and Joe came up from the Cape and brought Zuni home for the first time.

[ed- note that we don't have any pictures of the actual move because MJ had all the cameras with her!]
Here's the family room 2 days later... we seem to still be unpacking stuff ;-)
...and the kids provided moral support through-out the adventure.
Since Carlisle recycles heavily, MJ convinced George to flatten out all of the packing paper and stack it out so it could be recycled...
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