Interior Pictures

At the front door, you look straight back into the living room and the back yard!
When you step in, the silo (and stairs) are to your right...
...the Living room (and all our boxes) are straight ahead...
...and the hallway to the kitchen/ family room is to your left.
The Living room is a nice size with lots of windows and an oak floor.  We desperately need furniture for this room, but if we do an addition, the window on the far right wall will have to be moved, so we're not doing anything just yet...
If you walk further into the living room and look right, we've got lots of built in bookshelves...
To the left of the Living room is the Dining room.  
Then, if we head left down the hall, we'll run into the kitchen / family room.  This picture is taken at the far wall of the family room, looking back into the kitchen.  The central hallway and front door are to the left.
...and here's the kitchen island, cooktop and pot rack.  Our family room wraps around this area; and the deck is off to the left.
If you go back down the hallway, past the front door, you get to the stairway.  They're all inside the silo.
Here's the view heading down to the lower level...
...the the rest of that stairway...
Here's an added bonus- the space underneath the stair silo has a door and it's a small wine cellar... not only is a cool year round, but it's got high humidity also ;-)

(and the little plate over the door sez "wine cellar")

guest bedroom #1, complete with furniture and unmade bed...
guest bedroom #2, waiting for furniture... (Aerobeds welcome now!)
Continuing down the hallway, we get to George's office.  We'll be fixing this up with better office furniture but it's functional for now.
At the far end of the hallway is the playroom room.  This is where MJ and the kids spend their days- there's plenty of room for the kids to play and crawl around.  Also, we were able to hook the "johnny jump-ups" to the I-beam in the ceiling!
Another shot of the playroom, looking back towards the door.  Lots of windows on the left really light this room up.  We set up MJ's office is at the far end of the room so she can do other stuff while watching the kids.
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