DirecTV Hookup

This was a simple project- install a satellite dish so the direcTivo works.
Placement was the issue- the dish needs a clear view of the South Western sky, so that limited us to the roof of the house or the front yard... since putting it on the roof seemed like putting a lightning rod on the roof, we opted for the front yard...
All we had to do was
  • dig a 70' trench from the garage out to the dish
  • lay the PVC into the trench
  • dig a 4-1/2' deep hole for the post
  • drop in a sonotube
  • fill it with 4 bags of concrete
  • The crew- hard at work or hardly workin?
    Finished interface with the house, all caulked and ready for winter...
    4 weeks later.
    The grass has grown back over and you can hardly tell what we did..!

    DirecTv problems fixed.
    We were having massive "rain-fade" problems (like whenever we had heavy cloud cover, we'd lose some or all signal..)
    So we went for the bigger hammer approach, and replaced our 18 x 24 oval dish with a 30" round dish;  signal strength went from 68% to 98% -- and our "rain-fade" problems disappeared!
    How to point a satellite dish.  To make this a one-man job, you have to drag the receiver and TV into the front yard.  Then you move the dish around until you find the satellite... easy!
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