Misc Projects

Expansion Tank for the Well

We had the well company come look at our setup to figure out why our water pressure was low.  After a $150 "tuneup" they announced that our expansion tank had a hole in the diaphragm and they could fix it for a mere $800...
This sounded a bit pricey so George took this as  a personal challenge.  He got a bigger tank for less than half that amount and spent 1-1/2 hours installing the whole mess and it didn't leak a drop... done!

ed- a minor miracle considering George's previous plumbing experiences in CA ;-)

Internet Connectivity

Easy job-  just hook up the second phone line into the "office" so we can hook up a modem (since no DSL or Cable-modem in Carlisle).
But, nothing is easy.  This project got complicated because

  • there was only 1 phone line into the house, so Ma Bell had to add another one
  • then it took another week to get tone on that line
  • and there wasn't any internal wiring to support a second line.
  • However, we eventually succeeded at getting 28.8 into our house...
  • now that we've started putting CAT-5 into the walls, we even have BLUE jacks for 10/100 ethernet-whoo-whoo!

the Garage Workshop- take 1

One weekend, George's parents came up.  While ma helped MJ with the kids, pop helped George build these shelves for the garage workshop...!

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