
Two lovely old seats from the 60's.
We couldn't sell them or even give them away, so we ended up compacting them with a sledge hammer...
Taylor's first brush with real paint.
George bags his first AC unit ever- this sucker weighed a TON!
The exterior of the wall with the AC unit, ready for new siding...
On 1-dec-05, we had a decent storm and it blew down our fence...
...so we rebuilt it (and cleaned up the yard to boot)
This doorway is barely big enough for george on the trike (then again, the trike is barely big enough for george ;-)
She shoots- AND SCORES!
One day while George was out, the girls and ashley were played a little hockey.  Apparently Jordan loaded up a terrific shot and cracked the front window...!
I let Ashley know that if she couldn't keep out shots from a 5 year old, she was off the team.  We agreed not to play hockey indoors any more...
[17-mar-07] this drain pipe broke!
we noticed water leaking outside the kitchen sink, and discovered that we'd stressed this pipe hard enough that it eventually broke! PITA!
In Summer 2007, the 120v floor outlet (that powered the TV) died. It was old enough that pulling new romex was not viable, so...
George cut a slot in the slab floor and laid in a run of BX to provide alternate service.
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