Stripping the Floors

Part of the kitchen project required stripping all the VAT (vinyl-asbestos tile) from the kitchen/family room floor.  George had already done a few rooms in the house and it was totally a PITA.
So, we found a contractor to do the rest of the house- the kitchen, family room, gallery, master br and office.
All we had to do was pack up everything in those rooms and move it all out... for 1 day!
HERE's the office- stripped- temp internet connection has been moved into the guest room.
HERE's the gallery- stripped- the bookcases got packed up and all moved outside.
[ed- its pretty terrific that here in CA it doesn't rain for months at a time, so we just threw everything outside...]
The atrium got pretty full.
Random stuff from the gallery went out the side yard.
2 girls, cleaning (sort of ;-)
What a nice grouping- we'll take it!
Everything from the master BR got shoved in our atrium.
Then the contractor showed up with 3 large trucks. The blue thing in the middle is his compressor/vacuum cleaner that he uses to screw the mastic off the floor after the tile is removed.
what a mess! HERE's the gallery with the VAT removed, before the mastic was scrubbed off the floor.
Master Bedroom, pre-scrub.
Everything is soaking wet to keep the tile dust down while the tile is being removed.
The scrubber in action- this thing is like a massive floor cleaner with an 18" swath. It took them about 2-1/2 hours to scrub 1700+ sq. ft.
We liked these guys a lot- contact them at-
Steve Glen
Riverbank interiors
3131 atchison street
Riverbank, CA
209-652-9206 (cell)
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