Thomas Tank Engine

Thomas the Tank Engine came to the Roaring Camp in Felton this year; and we were there.

Here's Jordan and Taylor with Thomas painted on their faces.

Thomas, who else!
Jeff, MJ and Taylor taking a ride.  Thomas pulled several cars a couple of miles into the woods; then turned around and came back.
Cynthia and Georgia enjoying the ride.
MJ and Taylor.
Cynthia does a shift with 3 kids- good luck!
After our ride, we hiked thru the big redwood grove.  We were lucky enough to see Thomas again on our walk.
Redwood trees can get pretty big!
After our hike, we had a picnic lunch on the lawn...
...then all 3 girls posed in front of Thomas.

We had a great day and can't wait until next year to do it again!

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