Pacer 2004

On Saturday, 22-may-04, we hosted the Pacer "Spring Fling"; a flimsy excuse to drag together as many ex-pacer employees as possible.
From the left, Darren Mace, Kathy Tackabury, Jordan Hill and her mom, MJ Austin, Patsi Little, Lynnie Chantler, Taylor Hill , Kevin Little,  Wayne Tackabury and Gracie Chantler.
Not shown because they arrived late were Paul Kamp and Geoff Blum.
This time MJ took the shot so George could get in the picture.  From the left, Kathy Tackabury, Darren Mace, Jordan and George Hill, Patsi Little, Gracie and Lynnie Chantler, Taylor Hill (back to camera), Kevin Little and Wayne Tackabury.

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