Winter Vacation 2004

friday, 23-jan-04

we get up and the thermometer sez -16... christmas was month ago and the kids are still expecting to see santa in every mall.  thank god caky and joepa are coming over tomorrow to watch them.
saturday, 25-jan-04

12:45pm Black Tie Limo shows up at noontime and whisks us off to Logan Airport.. (thank you patsi and kevin!
9:50pm after a brief stop at DFW, we land in San Jose.  There wasn't anyone on our flights, so we each got a half-row to our selves...

11:00 pm we arrive at cynthia and jeff's house..!
sunday, 25-jan-04

8:00 am wake up and smell the coffee and read SJ Mercury in Cynthia and Jeff's living room
4:00 pm take cynthia, jeff and georgia up to Sam's in Tiburon
MJ announces the diet is hereby suspended because she's on vacation.. whoo-whoo!
jeff and georgia checking out the SF skyline from tiburon.
georgia decides to practice snow angels in the lawn...
monday and tuesday, 26-jan-04

visit folks in the valley, including friends from cybersource, intuit, netpulse, zip2, altavista, yahoo, etc...
wednesday, 28-jan-04
after a terrific breakfast with dave emerson and mark ramsey (and a speeding ticket from CHP), we finally head for napa.  Here's a view of the Gate while driving along the embarcadero.

1:00 pm We make it to Napa.  First stop was Stag's Leap on the Silverado Trail.

2:30 pm RSV was next- here it is from the road...

MJ phones home to see if there are any last-minute requests from Joepa.
thursday, 29-jan-04

8:30 am stumble out of hotel in Napa, go to Wells Fargo in PA before returning to SJC

1:30pm direct flight back to Boston

11:00 pm back real life in carlisle. now it's time to figure out what we owe caky and joepa for watching the kids for a week.
all in all, it was a terrific week- many thanks to cynthia and jeff and caky and joepa (and my honey!) for making this possible!

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