the Girls- 28 months

a terrific shot of the girls (actually, a terrific composite of 2 shots..)
Taylor cops a piggy back ride from gramma jimmy.
and then she gets one from poppa also!
bad dad rides again- it seemed appropriate that they should both have stars on their backs.
it's never too early to learn about body lotions.
The girls went to wash the fire trucks again this year.
they did a good job and had fun.
Taylor loved the "play with water" aspects of this activity.
Dad with his girls.
One night we were being too noisy at bath time; the girls are telling everyone to Shhhhhh!
Taylor and Foof and Jaimee!
another day, another box opportunity.
They're too big to both fit into the basket at once.  Taylor though this would work(left) until she got wedged (right).
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