the Girls- 25 months

Joepa and Jordan, hanging out in Longmeadow at Caky's big house.
Caky and Taylor (and blue dog)
Feeding time at the zoo.
Jamiee and her little charges.
bad dad rides again- this time George gave each of them half a pear (and they promptly devoured them).  Note the plastic boxes they're sitting on- they usually stand on these to see up onto the counter)
One night, Mary Beth and Doug and JJ and Amy and all the kids came over for Chinese food- what a circus!
Taylor with her best Elton John imitation.
on occasion, both girls cuddle with their dad.
Jordan and Taylor love helping at the sink.
Taylor especially loves playing with water...
... and, if you don't watch her, she'll bring the chair over and start playing all by herself.
most of the pack- caesar, taylor, george and jordan.
Jordan and Taylor doing the slide thing.
Out for an early spring stroll...
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