the Girls- 24 months

One of the way cool presents the girls got for christmas was this cloth-house set...!
They absolutely love it..!
Here's Jordan working on her basketball shot..
.. and and checking it out the inside of the house!
Taylor, reflecting on her gruel snack.
...and playing with her cape (another xmas present!)
The girls are actually very close; here they are practicing hugs ;-)
...and holding hands at lunch!
Jordan hanging out with her grandmother Caky.
All the ladies hanging on the couch.
Taylor modeling dad's hat..
Taylor and Jordan doing arts and crafts at playgroup.
Jordan and Taylor enjoy Patsi's company.
Jordan is getting very good at stacking all the blocks in order (and Taylor's very good at knocking them over!)
Mom and Taylor enjoying the "hop on pop" concept.
The ladies at gymboree- what fun!
Jordan walking the plank at gymboree.
One of the accessories that mom got for their bday was the ball castle... they seem to love it- go figure...
Jaimee and Jordan doing he blues-clues thing.
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