Tampa Visit

Leaving on a jet plane...

We managed to get a direct flight from SFO to Orlando.  The girls were pretty psyched about the whole thing- here they are, checking out our 767...

The outbound flight was terrific- we all had small LCD tv viewers in the seat backs in front of us; and the girls got o watch the Disney channel from one coast to the other.  Here's MJ, blue dog and Boo on the plane.
When we got to Orlando, we immediate rented a car and headed for Wesley Chapel to see Becky.   When we got there, Nick was still there- it was terrific to see him and everyone else.  Here's Nick w/Connor...
We were fortunate enough to be there for Connor's first birthday; here's the cake the girls helped decorate...
3 cake-eaters.
[ed- deja vu opp here- this is the same high chair that the girls ate their first birthday cake in!]
All the kids rip apart Connor's new toys.
Becky and Nick- all grown up!
George shows Connor how the loud, obnoxious blower works- he was not impressed.
Becky and Brian's new house- a terrific place for them to start this next phase of their lives.
Office family portrait- Brian, Becky and Connor.
This one also includes Connor's 2 aunts !

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