the Needhams Visit

In October '02, our good friends Cynthia and Jeff brought their daughter Georgia to Massachusetts for the first time and we got to hang out for a week- it was Great!
We all got a small taste of what triplets could be like...(and we thought twins were bad)
Cynthia's a good photographer- here's a rare shot of the four of us (at least MJ is smiling!)
We took several road trips- one day, we went into Boston for the Duck Tour, we drove up to Maine to see leafs and LLBean.  Here we are at the start of a typical day...
...and at the end!
MJ and Cynthia also went down the cape for a few days- here's the kidlets chowing down in Caky's Cape Cod Cafe.
...and at a local restaurant.  Cynthia is actually saying "OK, you took the shot- now get your butt back over here to help me..."
They all found time to run out to a local playground- Georgia seems to be enjoying herself here!
Taylor's not so sure about the swing, though...

It was terrific seeing Cynthia and Jeff- we can't wait to do it again!

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