Memorial Day

Here's Vaughan in his way cool stroller specially made for him hanging out with the girls.
Amy and Vaughan hang out with J & T on the library green.
The girls waiting around for the parade to begin.
Taylor enjoys hanging out on the grass.
Judy (our neighbor) and her family hang out with Jordan and Taylor on the library green.
JJ (our neighbor) is a volunteer fireman and EMT in Carlisle and marched in the parade with other members of the fire department.
A rare photo of mom with the girls.
The minuteman marched in the parade and gave several 6-gun solutes.
This is a crew eh?  Here's Mary Beth Stevenson with her triplets and MJ with Jordan and Taylor watching the festivities.
Mary Beth's husband Doug (who is a selectman in the town of Carlisle) was the master of ceremonies this year.  Here he is overseeing the reading of the veterans from WWI, WWII and the Vietnam War. 

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