CCSC 2007

The girls spent 5 weeks at CCSC- Monomoy Day Camp to be precise.
Most days Caky would transport them, but once in a while they took the bus (just like the big kids).
They were in the Apes group this year, so they get a lot more choices than in Crew last year.
Every week they get to choose an elective to do for the week. One week Taylor chose Theatre.
The next week Jordan chose theatre.
Then Taylor did theatre again.
...and Jordan did, too!
They were at camp on Ed's birthday, so they made sure to stop by and wish him well.
Every Friday they have assembly with the entire Day Camp.
Then they adjourn over to their areas for individual council rings and awards.
This year, the girls did great! They both passed Red Cross Level 3 Swimming and are working on Level 4.
One week Jordan got swimmer of the week!
Another week, Taylor chose sailing as her career and got Kanchan (her cousin) as her instructor. Things went so well that week that they flipped a sailboat on the last day just to practice righting it!

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