Cakys Beach House

The girls spent 6 weeks on Cape Cod this year.
They stayed with Caky and went to CCSC Day Camp for 5 weeks of that time.
HERE they are in one of their old wagons- it fits a bit too soon now ;-)
Caky and Joepa do a terrific job at entertaining the girls.
One of their favorite stops is miniature golf at Pirate's Cove.
Joepa helps Jordan line up a putt... Taylor prepares to smack it.
There's always plenty of time for hanging around and doing kid things.
Two girls ready for bed... well, almost ready...
Setting up a play with their neighborhood buddy Marisa who also attends camp.
And people keep showing up to visit. Our old nanny Jaimee came down for a few days and everyone had a great time.
Even though the condo association has a pool, sometimes it's nice to chill by the back deck as Taylor illustrates here.
Or sometimes, you just have to go down to the beach (like every day...duh...)
Joepa convinced the girls that they were big enough to pull him- it's about time.
Taylor tubing.
Joepa and the girls chilling at the beach.
Thanks Caky and Joepa- everyone had a great time and we'll sure be back next year!

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