Great America w/Intuit

Marisa Here's Marisa QAing the log ride
Here's Marisa, Kevin and Darrell before they got soaked! LogRide
LogRide2 Then MJ, Drew and Dennis followed.
Then the team headed toward the DropZone2
DropZone Here's Drew, Marisa, Robert and Ken getting ready for flight.
We think that Drew still has bruises from where Marisa kicked him!
But the highlight of the day was the skyflying. For those of you who don't know, when you skyfly you start at a height of 173ft. and free fall for 50 ft.
skyfly1 Here are some of our trusty heros, Jenn, MJ and Jack...
getting ready for the fall of their lives!
Unfortunately for our heros, the ride was only in beta test.
skyfly3 Luckily, no bugs were found.
Our heros even tried to break the ride for a second time, but to no avail.
skyfly2 Kevin, Dennis and Marisa also tried to break the ride...but no official pictures are on record.
However, a video was taken to record the event! Robert was noticeably missing...
And a great trip was had by all!!!

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