Cape Cod

The girls spent most of their summer on the Cape while we bopped back and forth between CA and the Cape.
The girls attended 4 weeks of day camp at Cape Cod Sea Camps. Click here for more pixs!
The girls stayed with Caky and Joepa and they had an awesome time!
HERE's Jordan and Joepa practicing Guitar Hero 3!
Click here for more pixs!
One day, George took the girls to RI for a family cookout with his parents, sisters and nieces and nephews.
MJ got a 1 week vacation from eBay and school, so she flew out to hang with us.
We did find a couple of days to spend together as a family unit- here we are at the beach!
While MJ was here, we did the bumper boats. We got soaked but it was great fun!
MJ even found time to run in the Brew Run, a 5.2M race sponsored by the Woodshed (a local bar). She had run it before- 20+ years ago- and decided to do it again- pix here!
On a more somber note, Caky's cousin Bob has decided to scrape Berry's house and rebuild it, so MJ visited Berry's house one last time.
On August 11th, 2008, we all flew home.
Good bye, Cape Cod, until next summer!

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