
For the Millenium, we decided to do as little as possible.
So, we invited Cynthia and Jeff over to eat roast beef and hang out.
Here's Caesar greeting our guests...
Cynthia is a very creative party animal- she brought poppers and bubble soap for each of us!
Here's Cynthia and MJ practicing their blowing techniques...
Then MJ got into it and decided we needed some more spirit; so she built these glasses and made us wear them!
Here's MJ trying them on first...
...then she made George wear them...
...and, finally got cynthia to wear them...
This was probably the latest we'd ever been up on New Years- we stayed up 'til 1 (whoa!) and got to see lots of celebrations on CNN, etc...
Here's hoping everyone has a healthy, happy and prosperous 2000!

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