
Vaughan at Baby Walk Here's Vaughan enjoying baby walk.
Amy (Vaughan's mom) and Vaughan at his first playgroup at J & T's house - Sept.2001
Vaughan at playgroup
Vaughan at Baby Walk Halloween '2001 with Andy (left) and Erin (right).
Christmas '2001
Vaughan at playgroup
Vaughan at Baby Walk Feb '2001 - Jordan and Taylor's 1st birthday party.
April '02 - Vaughan being very handsome...better watch out ladies!
Vaughan being handsome
Vaughan eating banangs Vaughan "banana-man" Supple
Squirmy saying "hi"! 
Vaughan at playgroup
Vaughan eating banangs Vaughan showing Jordan a thing or two.
Jordan showing Vaughan a thing or two with Taylor observing.
Vaughan at playgroup
Vaughan eating banangs JJ, Amy & Vaughan at the Wash A Fire Truck Day - June '02
Vaughan, getting ready for the kiddie pool at AHR- August '02
Just generally being cute- August '02
Still cute in September, '02
Merry Christmas '02 from Vaughan and Cowboy
Vaughan and JJ (how come everyone in our pix doesn't smile at once??)
Negotiating with the rocking horse.
"...and another thing..."
Boy, this christmas thing sure tires a guy out... [ed- i don't know how they got vaughan to pose for this one... ]
Vaughan at the twins' second birthday party- feb, 2003
Amy and Vaughan washing a firetruck- June, 2003
One more time, with captain supple in the picture..!

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