Laura's Wedding

MJ's high school roommate Laura got married this summer in NJ.
Here's Laura & Terry, the happy couple!
Laura and Terry


only her hairdresser knows for sure... Here is Laura getting her hair done...
...putting on her game face...
blushing bride
too much estrogen around here.. Mr. B knew the right place to hang out - with the bridesmaids!
Here's Terry just before the ceremony...looking very relaxed.. what am i thinking...??
hey, she's kinda cute... yeah, isn't she... Suzanne and Ellen watch the birdie.
The Bossert family. the bosserts... meet the bosserts... they're a place right out of history..
Mr. & Mrs. B Mr. & Mrs. B
Anna & Ann
coming soon to a post office poster near you! The NMH crew- alysa, laura, mj and ann- back together again...


Laura and her dad, doin' the wedding dance. shake it, baby!
honey, i'm horney now... later, stud... The happy couple, doing the PDA thing

Good Luck Laura and Terry- To many happy years together!

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