the Girls- February 2006

Joepa and Caky came out for the girls' birthday.
Its always a treat when they come to town- the girls get to spend blocks of quality time with their grandparents.
One afternoon, they all went on a roadtrip to some local wineries.
HERE's MJ and 2 beautiful girls!
And Joepa and 2 girls!
One of the stops was the Byington vineyard.
From the left- Taylor, blue dog, Jordan and Joepa inspecting the vines.
Two girls with big skirts!
Then one day, we were going to go to Mount Hamilton w/cynthia and jeff- we managed to find snow gear for everyone and headed off on our adventure.
Turned out the road to Mount Hamilton was closed, so we doubled back and went up Route 9 to skyline boulevard...and found SNOW there!
HERE's MJ pulling Taylor, Jordan and Georgia on a sled.
Under Cynthia's expert tutelage, this snowman got built... kind of tough looking, but it is a snowman, nontheless.
Another day, George took the girls down the Monterey Aquarium- what a beautiful day it was!
The girls played with all the standard costumes, etc...
and dressed up in whale fins.
We even had lunch there (because it was easy ;-)
Taylor as a penguin- a great day was had by all!
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