BankNOW in Phoenix

ONE weekend in October, the BankNOW team celebrated shipping their product by taking 3 days of R&R in Phoenix, Flagstaff and the Grand Canyon.

tpc1- george karl mike darren tpc- karl darren trix
The golfers wound up teeing off all 3 days at the expense of some canyon time.

george in rattlesnake territory rattlesnake sign However, golfing is not without risk.
Imagine George's surprise when he noticed this sign after
retrieving his ball from the rough!
[Editor's note- george spent a lot of time doing this!]

mivner w/canyon background charlie joe rick at canyon MEANWHILE, the non-golfers were off enjoying scenic Sedona. Here's Miv, Charlie Joe and Rick plotting their next moves.

mivner linda on horses And the team met and conquered new life forms on the trip. Here Miv and Linda attempt to subvert horses into providing transportation for them.

group grope at bar LATER that evening, (after a 150 mile drive), the team reunited at a Brewhouse in Flagstaff. Everyone was in good spirits, including Karl and Glenn. karl glenn w/virgins

joe darren at bar AFTER dinner, the group wound up at JOE'S PARTY PLACE; largely inhabitated by college students and ex-fraternity brothers.
Rick broke out the stogies and things went downhill from there. joe w/stogie
rick miv pat w/stogies
mivner w/moose Mari got to meet another species. He wasn't very active- nothing like the Country Jamboree at DisneyWorld, but Miv liked him anyway.

The next day was action packedl.
After an early start [NOT], the golfers drove 80 miles north to do a flyby at the canyon, then turned around and drove halfway back to Phoenix to catch a 2:00pm tee time.

Miv and Rick followed the same flight path- after their flyby at the canyon, they headed down to Sedona to see Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Brown and Bruce Coburn in concert.

Some went to see Bonnie Raitt/Jackson Brown et. al in concert in Sedona. bonnie raitt
Everyone else went hiking in the Grand Canyon!

group grope at airport
The team, ready for new adventures...

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