New Jersey Roadtrip

At the end of May, MJ decided to trundle on down to visit her aunt Mary and uncle Jerry in New Jersey.  Mary graciously came out to help us right after they were born and hadn't seen them since, and Jerry had never seen them...!

Here's Jordan and Mary...

Here's Paula (Jerry's daughter) with her fiancee Rob and Taylor.  Paula seems to be enjoying this lots more than Rob...!
Jean (Jerry's other daughter) also takes a turn holding Jordan.
Mary and Jerry's house is dog-heaven.  Here's their golden Sam and his buddy Jake, both guarding Jordan.
Mary and Jerry live in a terrific neighborhood; here they are with some of the Speth clan that Mary used to babysit for...
and here's Taylor with Vicky Speth. her daughter Ro takes a turn holding Jordan.
MJ was working on getting a good picture for a mouse pad for George- this was one of the pix from that session.  The kids don't seem to be enjoying it as much as MJ.
And her host Jerry, shown here with Taylor... 

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