the Year in Review

Wow! Another year is in the record books and what a year it's been! The girls are growing in all directions, George is still Mr. Mom and in charge of maintenance, supplies and chauffeuring; and MJ's still doing cool stuff at eBay!
In February, Caky and Joepa flew out for the girl's 5th birthday party. We cranked the pool to 85 degrees and had a pool party and a jumpy house. Everyone had a great time!
Two weeks later, our friends Patsi, Kevin, Louis and Karen flew in for a long weekend. George worked with them at Pacer Software almost 20 years ago! We did some local sightseeing and ate really well. A good time was had by all.
In March, George's parents - Jean and Dave- flew out to see us for a few days. Last year we did the grand visitor tour, so this year they mostly hung out with their grandchildren. Its always terrific to spend time with them.
In April, MJ's grandmother Margaret was passing through and stopped by to celebrate Easter with us. We had our own Easter basket and egg hunt and ate well. A good time was had by all.
In June, George's sister Sharon and family showed up for a week. We went up to the city one day; and spent several days at the Santa Cruz beaches. A good time was had by all.
In late June and July, we headed for the east coast. The girls spent 3 weeks at day camp and loved it! Both Taylor and Jordan were named Swimmers of the week and passed Red Cross Level 2 swimming. We've already booked 4 weeks for them next summer. Meanwhile , George flew back to California and spent 3 non-stop weeks rebuilding the kitchen. His dad flew out to help; and our buddies JasonT and David Emerson spent several weekends working on the project. By the time everyone came home, the kitchen was almost done!
In September, the girls started kindergarten at Foothill Elementary in Saratoga, and they love it! They're going 5 mornings and 2 full days a week. They're learning how to read and do math and all kinds of stuff- it's pretty terrific to watch!
October found us back on the east coast for MJ's cousin Garran's wedding. We stayed with Caky and Joepa on the cape and got to visit everyone in MJ's family- it was a great weekend! Two weeks later, Patsi and Kevin came to visit for 4 days; we toured a bit, shopped a bit and ate a lot. A great time was had by all..! Then, at the end of the month, Halloween happened- Jordan dressed up as Ariel and Taylor was Sleeping Beauty and they took in a pile of candy…
We celebrated Thanksgiving at home this year. We had 15 people over and (once again) George and his spreadsheet cooked everything. A great time was had by all and no one went away hungry.
December 10 marked the first anniversary of Scooby at AHR. He's 2 year old now and we think he's stopped growing- he's 104 lbs …! Life at AHR agrees with him- he's extremely mellow and he loves riding in the car and going to the dog park.
The rest of December is filled with Christmas prep. Caky and Joepa will be joining us again. Rumor has it that Santa will be bringing the girls a trampoline in the yard- stay tuned.
We hope your 2006 was as action-packed and fun as ours was-
Let's hope 2007 is a terrific year for all of us!
Happy New Year!

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