Schools Out!

Last minute prep in the classroom before the promotion ceremony.
Everyone's getting their graduation caps.
The next day was field day;
Everyone spent the day outside doing various activities.
In this activity, all the kids raised and lowered the sheet in unison while some kids ran thru- it was pretty cool.
HERE's Jordan retrieving her ball at the Hockey event.
It was WAY hot that day, so we actually headed back inside before noontime...
Friday, 15-jun-07.
School's out!
HERE's Jordan and Taylor with their buddy Melina (and blue dog AND brother blue!)
Even Scoob got in on the act.
[ed- and he was later thrown out by ms. riccomeany]
The final act.
HERE's Jordan and Taylor with their teachers, Mrs. Cook....
...and Mrs. Faye.
Thanks for a great year!

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