
This year the girls started to understand the whole "santa" concept, especially the "we get presents" part..!

Here they are waiting for Santa...

MJ thought we needed a little more perspective on the season; so Caky got this for us.  We installed it on the roof of the garage (and i think it was visible from at least 30,000 feet...!)
Terrific shot of Jaimee our nanny and Taylor, getting ready for the xmas card picture...
The girls came with us to get the tree and they were a big help as you can see here...
This about sums it up- dad removes the tree from the mom-wagon, while the girls run around in the background and the grinch oversees it all...
Our Christmas tree, circa 2003.
MJ is always looking for arts and crafts projects for the kids.  She was really pumped to build this gingerbread house!  (she actually did the whole thing from scratch- mixing and baking the ginger bread, cutting out the sides, etc...)
Patsi and Kevin came over to help the girls decorate the house... what a mess!  There was colored, granulated sugar everywhere...but everyone had a great time!
As shown here, Taylor and Jordan both ate a bunch of blue frosting.  The scary part about this picture is that you can see what they're going to look like as teenagers...!
It's important to be an educated consumer at christmas- here's the girls studying one of the barrage of catalogs we got this year.
We had all the grandparents for christmas eve.  Here we are at dinner- from the left, it's Joepa, Jordan, Jean, George, Caky, Taylor and Dave.
Grandpa Dave enjoys Taylor and the talking cow.
After the girls went to be, Santa brought the train table.  Here's George and Joepa trying to figure out a track arrangement that fits and makes sense.
The tree, after santa came but before the girls got up...
Taylor on Christmas morning, trying out her new swim mask.
Later on in the day, we went over to Patsi and Kevin's for dinner.  Here's the girls with their friend Allison watching a video.
Kevin apologized before they opened these... we'll forgive him eventually ;-)
Becky got some kidConnectx for the girls and they really like them...
The train table, as delivered...
2 days after christmas, George's whole family came up for Italian night.  Everyone was here (including ex-brother in law Tom).
At this event, we eat until we drop- here's the girls learning about this important Hill family tradition.
We brought the grinch in and dried him off before putting him away until next year.  George couldn't resist blowing him up one more time...!

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